SCTE standards cover a wide range of industry needs --- from F connectors to protocols for high-speed data access over cable. SCTE is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), recognized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), and works in cooperation with the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).
SCTE 137-2 2010
Modular Headend Architecture Part 2: M-CMTS Downstream External PHY Interface
$25.00 $50.00
SCTE 137-4 2010
Edge Resource Manager Interface for Modular Cable Modem Termination Systems
$25.00 $50.00
SCTE 137-5 2010
Modular Headend Architecture Part 5: Edge QAM Provisioning and Management Interface
$25.00 $50.00
SCTE 137-7 2010
Modular Headend Architecture Part 7: EQAM Architectural Overview Technical Report
$25.00 $50.00
SCTE 138 2013
Stream Conditioning for Switching of Addressable Content in Digital Television Receivers
$25.00 $50.00
SCTE 139 2007
Edge Resource Manager Interface for Modular Cable Modem Termination Systems
$25.00 $50.00
SCTE 14 2001
Test Method for Hex Crimp Tool Verification/Calibration, (formerly IPS TP 700)
$25.00 $50.00