• SJI Technical Digest No. 6
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SJI Technical Digest No. 6

  • Design of Steel Joist Roofs to Resist Uplift Loads
  • standard by Steel Joist Institute, 04/01/2012
  • Publisher: SJI


The Steel Joist Institute has completely revised Technical Digest No. 6. The Technical Digest consist of 49 pages of up-to-date information regarding the effects of wind forces on steel joists. ASCE 7 is the consensus standard for determination of wind forces. Technical Digest No. 6 contains examples for designing K and LH Series Joists to resist upward wind forces as well as for wind force determination in accordance with ASCE 7-10. It also includes:
  • Discussion of revised IBC 2012 / ASCE 7-10 Load Combinations
  • Updated design examples
  • Seat anchorage capacities

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