• SME FC98-283
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SME FC98-283

  • Developing Corrosion Resistant Materials For Automotive Applications
  • standard by Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 11/01/1998
  • Publisher: SME


The Canadien Corrosion Code of 1978 required automotive outer panels to be perforation free for 5 years and structural components to be sound for 6 years. Now, statistical information shows that vehicles in use over 9 years in service increased 57% from 1980 to 1994. The corrosion engineer has effected this change. In addition, literature is available to formulate rules to control corrosion and predict behavior. This paper illustrates typical problems and describes a method for developing concensus for positive material change. Included are sections on: large diameter tubing, behavior of body components, solutions to road blast, corrosion control of aluminum structure, corrosion of aluminum tubing in contact with conductive rubber, and elimination of pitting corrosion for 12% chromium ferritic stainless steel. Lastly, the paper describes the philosophy for change used to effect continuou

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