• SME FC99-217
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SME FC99-217

  • Superfinishing Of Hard Turned Or Ground Surfaces With In-Process Gauging To Size
  • standard by Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 11/01/1999
  • Publisher: SME


Stone superfinishing is a material removal process which uses abrasive stones to finish the outside diameters of a variety of workpieces. Traditionally the process has been used to improve the surface finish and geometry of workpieces after grinding. However, recent improvements in the accuracy of hard turning and the consistency of superfinishing stones allows hardened workpieces to be superfinished to size directly after turning without an intermediate grinding process. This paper describes the principles of stone superfinishing and examines its applications to hard turned surfaces. Several case studies are given, including the mechanical components and in-process gauging for finishing and statistical analysis of incoming and outgoing part parameters (size, surface roughness, etc.).

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