• SME MR99-167
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SME MR99-167

  • The Effect Of Tool Edge Geometry On Workpiece Sub-Surface Deformation And Through-Thickness Residual Stresses For Hard-Turning Of Aisi 52100 Steel
  • standard by Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 11/01/1999
  • Publisher: SME


An experimental investigation was conducted to determine the effect of tool cutting edge geometry on workpiece subsurface deformation and through-thickness residual stresses for finish hard turning of through-hardened AISI 52100 steel. Polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (PCBN) inserts with up-sharp edges, edge hones, and chamfers, were used as the cutting tools in this study. Examination of the workpiece microstructure reveals that large edge hone tools produce substantial sub-surface plastic flow. Examination of through-thickness residual stresses shows that large edge hone tools produce deeper, more compressive residual stresses than small edge hone tools or chamfered tools. Explanations for these effects are offered based on assumed contact conditions between the tool and workpiece.

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