• SSPC ACS 1/NACE No. 13
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  • Applicator Certification Standard No. 1 - Industrial Coating and Lining Application Specialist Qualification and Certification
  • standard by Society for Protective Coatings, 03/28/2016
  • Publisher: SSPC


The ACS 1 standard contains the benchmarks for evaluation and acceptance criteria that are the basis for a program to qualify coating applicators (craft workers). The qualification and certification process is a stepwise achievement process that includes all aspects of surface preparation and coating application for steel and concrete surfaces of complex industrial structures. This standard is designed to allow the the Application Specialist to move through three levels of qualification that include a broad range of classroom instruction and associated work experiences.

The body of the standard provides the requirements for qualification and certification of an Application Specialist.

Appendix A (mandatory) defines the competency requirements or the minimum "Body of Knowledge" for each qualification level that provides a basis to allow applicants to achieve qualification in a Certified Application Specialist Program. Appendix A provides requirements for Section 5 of this standard.

Appendix B (mandatory) describes the level of competency required for each qualification level. Appendix B provides required information for use with Appendix A for the development of a learning skills program associated with the Body of Knowledge in Appendix A.

Appendix C (nonmandatory) provides information on desirable workplace skills (reading text, document use, and numeracy) that should be considered by those attempting to both nurture and assess a candidate's overall skills level.

Appendix D (nonmandatory) provides a list of acceptable training programs.

Revisions in the 2016 version include clarification of language requirements used for evaluation of the craftworker, changes in requirements for amount of work experience and training, and simplification of the Body of Knowledge requirements.

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