• SSPC PS 28.02
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SSPC PS 28.02

  • Three-Coat Moisture-Cured Polyurethane Coating System, Performance-Based
  • standard by Society for Protective Coatings, 06/01/2010
  • Publisher: SSPC


This standard contains performance requirements for a coating system for steel substrates comprised of (1) a zinc-rich moisture-cured polyurethane primer (complying with SSPC-Paint 40), (2) a moisture-cured polyurethane intermediate coat (complying with SSPC-Paint 41), and (3) a single-component moisture-cured aliphatic polyurethane topcoat (complying with SSPC-Paint 38).

The coating system is generally suitable for exposures in SSPC Environmental Zones 1A (interior, normally dry), 1B (exterior, normally dry), 2A (frequently wet by fresh water, excluding immersion), 2B (frequently wet by salt water, excluding immersion),and 3B (chemical exposure, neutral). The primer/intermediate coat/topcoat system shall meet the performance requirements of Sections 7 and 8 described in this standard.

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