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TAPPI T 1205 sp-09
- Dealing with Suspect (Outlying) Test Determinations
- standard by Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, 01/01/2009
- Publisher: TAPPI
1. Scope
1.1 This TAPPI Standard Practice provides a procedure for judging whether suspect test determinationsshould be investigated further for possible rejection. A suspect determination (apparent outlier) is one that appears todeviate markedly from other determinations on the same sample of material. An outlying determination (outlier) is asuspect determination for which the deviation has, in fact, been found to be significant using an appropriate statisticaltest.
1.2 Formal treatment of suspect test determinations, as specified in this document, is necessary only incritical situations (e.g., very critical research) or when required by a product specification or an official test method.
1.2.1 Formal treatment of suspect test determinations and test results is highly desirable in studies for theinvestigation of a test method (see TAPPI T 1200 "Interlaboratory Evaluation of Test Methods to Determine TAPPIRepeatability and Reproducibility").
1.3 Both nonstatistical and statistical rules for dealing with suspect test determinations are given. Basicallyno test determination should be accepted, no matter how correct the value appears to be, if it is known that a faultydetermination has been made, and no test determination should be completely rejected purely on a statistical significancetest.
1.4 The statistical tests described in this practice have been selected from a large number that are available.They apply to the simplest kind of experimental data, that is, replicate determinations of some property of a given sampleof material.
NOTE 1: This practice applies to replicate test determinations, usually on several specimens taken under the same conditions and measuredin a brief period of time. A test result, obtained in accordance with a TAPPI Test Method, is usually one or the average of two ormore such test determinations (see definitions in TAPPI T 400 "Sampling and Accepting a Single Lot of Paper, Paperboard,Containerboard or Related Product"). This practice allows the examination and possible elimination of suspect test determinations(from sets of 3 to 30 determinations) before the calculation of the final test result.
NOTE 2: This practice may also be applied to suspect test results (by substituting the words "test results" for "test determinations"throughout this document), when a laboratory must evaluate a large shipment requiring the determination and calculation of severaltest results.
1.1 This TAPPI Standard Practice provides a procedure for judging whether suspect test determinationsshould be investigated further for possible rejection. A suspect determination (apparent outlier) is one that appears todeviate markedly from other determinations on the same sample of material. An outlying determination (outlier) is asuspect determination for which the deviation has, in fact, been found to be significant using an appropriate statisticaltest.
1.2 Formal treatment of suspect test determinations, as specified in this document, is necessary only incritical situations (e.g., very critical research) or when required by a product specification or an official test method.
1.2.1 Formal treatment of suspect test determinations and test results is highly desirable in studies for theinvestigation of a test method (see TAPPI T 1200 "Interlaboratory Evaluation of Test Methods to Determine TAPPIRepeatability and Reproducibility").
1.3 Both nonstatistical and statistical rules for dealing with suspect test determinations are given. Basicallyno test determination should be accepted, no matter how correct the value appears to be, if it is known that a faultydetermination has been made, and no test determination should be completely rejected purely on a statistical significancetest.
1.4 The statistical tests described in this practice have been selected from a large number that are available.They apply to the simplest kind of experimental data, that is, replicate determinations of some property of a given sampleof material.
NOTE 1: This practice applies to replicate test determinations, usually on several specimens taken under the same conditions and measuredin a brief period of time. A test result, obtained in accordance with a TAPPI Test Method, is usually one or the average of two ormore such test determinations (see definitions in TAPPI T 400 "Sampling and Accepting a Single Lot of Paper, Paperboard,Containerboard or Related Product"). This practice allows the examination and possible elimination of suspect test determinations(from sets of 3 to 30 determinations) before the calculation of the final test result.
NOTE 2: This practice may also be applied to suspect test results (by substituting the words "test results" for "test determinations"throughout this document), when a laboratory must evaluate a large shipment requiring the determination and calculation of severaltest results.
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