• TAPPI T 419 om-11
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TAPPI T 419 om-11

  • Starch in Paper
  • standard by Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, 01/01/2011
  • Publisher: TAPPI



1.1 This method describes the qualitative and the quantitative determination of unmodified starches andstarches modified only by conventional oxidation techniques or enzyme conversion, which are used for beater addition orsurface sizing.

1.2 This procedure measures the total starch content and does not differentiate between starch inside and onthe surfaces of the paper.

1.3 Some starches that are cationic, substituted, grafted, or combined with resins are not within the scope ofthis procedure, because special techniques are required for them. Test to determine whether the starch is appropriate forthis procedure by checking for extractability. If it can be extracted quantitatively and forms the iodine complex, it shouldbe able to be determined by this method.

1.4 This method is applicable only for papers with fully bleached pulp, because lignin and lignin remnantscan also react with iodine to form a color complex.

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