• TAPPI T 613 cm-10
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TAPPI T 613 cm-10

  • Analysis of Caustic Soda
  • standard by Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, 01/01/2010
  • Publisher: TAPPI


This method describes a procedure for the analysis of caustic soda (sodium hydroxide). The following determinations comprise the usual complete analysis: alkalinity (total), carbonate, chloride, iron, and sulfate.

Most of the caustic soda used by the pulp and paper industry is a water solution of approximately 50% or 73% NaOH; it is also available in solid, flake, or ground (powder) form. Commercially, it is quoted on a 76% sodium oxide (Na O) basis, approxi-mately equivalent to 98% NaOH. 2

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