• TAPPI T578 sp-11
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TAPPI T578 sp-11

  • Accelerated light aging of printing and writing paper by xenon-arc exposure apparatus
  • standard by Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, 2011
  • Publisher: TAPPI


1.1. This standard practice describes a laboratory procedure for the exposure of printing and writingpaper to xenon-arc light at elevated levels of light flux to permit accelerated aging of that type of paper.

1.2. This standard practice specifies the sample preparation and conditions of exposure required toobtain information on the relative stability of paper with regard to change in optical properties brought about byexposure of such paper to light.

1.3. This standard practice provides qualitative guidelines regarding paper stability. It does not definethe life expectancy for a given paper to reach a specified set of optical properties.

1.4 This standard practice uses high-intensity broadband light sources that may not be suitable for theevaluation of light stability of papers that contain peroxide bleached mechanical pulp (1).

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