• TAPPI TIP0416-11
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TAPPI TIP0416-11

  • Recommended test procedure for black liquor evaporators
  • standard by Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, 03/31/2015
  • Publisher: TAPPI


Procedures used to measure the performance of black liquor evaporators and concentrators have frequently produced inconsistent and confusing results. There are two underlying causes for this problem. One is a lack of understanding of how to measure work done by an evaporation system. The second is that no standard evaluation procedure is available.

This Technical Information Paper (TIP) establishes recommended test requirements for an accurate evaluation of black liquor evaporators. The evaluations discussed are for maximum rate evaluation, performance evaluation, andtroubleshooting. It further describes procedures to fulfill test requirements for each. A general understanding ofevaporators and the kraft chemical recovery cycle by the user is assumed.

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