• UOP 678-88
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UOP 678-88

  • Dissolved Molecular Oxygen in Liquid Hydrocarbons by Electrochemical Detection
  • standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 07/25/2002
  • Publisher: UOP


This method is for estimating the dissolved oxygen in liquid hydrocarbons by electrochemical detection. The method is applicable to both on-line and laboratory analyses. The lower detection limit is 0.1 mass-ppm while the upper limit is dependent on the solubility of oxygen in the specific sample. Carbon dioxide, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide at concentrations above 200, 300 and 15-ppm (see Note 1), respectively, will interfere with the oxygen determination. Materials that contaminate the membrane or volatile components that are either oxidized, reduced, or react with the electrodes will also interfere. The sampling system associated with a UOP process unit will be specified by UOP depending on the specific process unit.

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