• UOP 733-10
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UOP 733-10

  • Residual Triglycerides in Deoxygenated Feedstocks by GC
  • standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 03/01/2010
  • Publisher: UOP


This method is for process control to quickly determine by gas chromatography (GC) the presence of residual triglycerides and partially deoxygenated intermediates in deoxygenated feedstock derived from plant oils and animal fats including but not limited to canola, jatropha, soy, palm, or algal oils. An approximate carbon distribution of product naphtha, kerosene (jet fuel), and diesel derived from the deoxygenated feedstock is also determined through carbon number 24 (C24) although there may be some interferences from partially deoxygenated feed components.

The lower limit of quantitation for any individual component or grouping is 0.01 mass-%. n- Paraffin values may be biased slightly high due to non-normals eluting at n-paraffin sites.

After it has been determined that there are no residual triglycerides, fatty acids, or partially deoxygenated intermediates in the sample a more detailed distribution can be determined by UOP Method 732, "Analysis of Distillate Fuels Derived from Oxygenated (Bio) Feedstocks by GC."

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