• UOP 975-02
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UOP 975-02

  • Fluorine in Liquid Hydrocarbons and LPG by Oxidative Combustion with Ion-Selective Electrode Detection
  • standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 07/24/2002
  • Publisher: UOP


This method is for determining total fluorine in liquid hydrocarbons or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) us-ing the Antek 9000F analyzer. It is applicable to liquid hydrocarbons with fluorine levels of 1 to 500 (m/v-ppm) with appropriate calibration standards. Higher concentrations can be analyzed by dilution in a solvent such as isooctane or toluene. The fluorine concentration in LPG can be measured down to 0.5 . This method is an alternative to UOP Method 619, which uses the potentially troublesome Wick-bold combustion apparatus.

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