• X9 TR-38-3:2009
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X9 TR-38-3:2009

  • Financial Services - UNIversal Financial Industry Message Scheme - Technical Report - Part 3: ISO 20022 Modelling Guidelines
  • standard by Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated, 01/16/2009
  • Publisher: X9


The methodology described in this document focus on the development of standardizedBusiness Transactions and Message Sets. The objective of a standardized BusinessTransaction is to define a commonly agreed solution for communication problems existingamong different organizations within the context of a given Business Process.

For a given communication problem in a given business context, several solutions can bedeveloped. The purpose of this document is to explain the different steps a modeller shouldfollow to ensure that ISO 20022 Business Components / Elements, Message Components /Elements, Business Transactions and Messages are defined in a consistent way.

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