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- Prevention of Healthcare-associated Legionnaires' Disease
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2008
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of the problem of healthcare-associatedLegionnaires' Disease, and the National NosocomialInfections Surveillance Survey. The components of a comprehensiveprevention program are presented and include the following:clinical surveillance; primary prevention;environmental testing; and,secondary prevention. Presentation conclusions indicate the following: quality data are lacking for many preventionstrategies;in the absence of these data, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has adopteda strategy focused on clinical surveillance andprimary environmental prevention;in high risk settings, CDC has adopted apermissive approach to environmental culturingin the absence of disease; and,support the need for a uniform approach toprevention. Includes tables, figures.
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