- Test Method for Determination of Particle Contribution of Gas Delivery System
This Standard was technically approved by the Gases Global Technical Committee. This edition was approved for publication by the global Audits and Reviews Subcommittee on December 8, 2016. Available at and in May 2017; originally published March 2002; previously published June 2011.
NOTICE: This Document was reapproved with minor editorial changes.
The purpose of this Document is to provide a standardized methodology and procedure for measuring the particle contribution performance of a gas delivery system in terms of number of particles added to gas flowing through the system. This standardized procedure is intended to be used commonly by the gas delivery system suppliers, equipment suppliers, and end-users.
This Test Method applies to surface mount and conventional gas delivery systems used in semiconductor manufacturing equipment.
Referenced SEMI Standards
SEMI C57 — Specification for Argon
SEMI C59 — Specification for Nitrogen
Revision History
SEMI F70-0611 (Reapproved 0517)
SEMI F70-0611 (technical revision)
SEMI F70-0302 (first published)