• RCC-MR 2007
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RCC-MR 2007

  • Design and construction rules for mechanical components of nuclear installations
  • Published By: AFCEN (AFCEN), Published Date: 2007


Purpose and scope

RCC-MR code was developed for sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFR) and ITER Vacuum Vessel (FR-ITER).

It provides the rules for designing and building mechanical components involved in areas subjected to significant creep. In particular, it incorporates sizing rules for thin shells.

Background and use

The RCC-MR code, drafted by AFCEN’s RCC-MR Subcommittee together with the Tripartite Committee formed on March 16, 1978 by the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, Electricité de France and Novatome, to establish the applicable rules for designing components working at high temperatures. AFCEN published four editions of RCC-MR in 1985, 1993, 2002 and 2007.

The RCC-MR code was used to design and build the prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR) developed by IGCAR in India and the ITER Vacuum Vessel.

Available editions on January 1st 2017

New editions of the RCC-MR code were released in 2012 and 2015 under the name RCC-MRx.

Since 2009, the RCC-MRx code created by AFCEN’s RCC-MRx Subcommittee has been a merge of two documents:

  • RCC-MR code,
  • RCC-MX code, drafted by the RCC-MX Approval Committee formed on March 31, 1998 by the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, AREVA-TA and AREVA-NP for the specific needs of the RJH project (Jules Horowitz reactor). This code applies to the design and construction of experimental reactors, auxiliary systems and associated experimental devices. It can also be used for the design and construction of components and systems for existing facilities.

The RCC-MRx code is refered for the design of the ASTRID project (Advanced Sodium Technological Reactor for Industrial Demonstration), for the design of the primary circuit in MYRRHA (Multi-purpose hYbrid Research Reactor for High-tech Applications) and the design of the target station of the ESS project (European Spallation Source).

Published Date: January 2018

Status: Active, Most Current

Document Language:

Published By: AFCEN (AFCEN)

Page Count: 2275

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